sábado, 7 de fevereiro de 2009

US military suicide rate

URL: http://www.stallman.org/archives/2008-nov-feb.html#07%20February%202009%20%28US%20military%20suicide%20rate%29

07 February 2009 (US military suicide rate)

The US military suicide rate has reached a record high. Military veterans age 20-24 are four times as likely to commit suicide as non-veterans.

When soldiers feel they have betrayed their values — for instance, when they have brutalized civilians or been buddies with soldiers that did so — or when they think their commanders lied to them or betrayed them, that makes it harder for them to live with themselves aftward. So we should expect high suicide rates for those who participated in the conquest and occupation of Iraq.

It also contributes to PTSD, as the book Achilles in Vietnam shows.

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