quinta-feira, 3 de dezembro de 2009

Obama escalates war in Afghanistan

URL: http://www.stallman.org/archives/2009-sep-dec.html#3%20December%202009%20%28Obama%20escalates%20war%20in%20Afghanistan%29

3 December 2009 (Obama escalates war in Afghanistan)

Obama will send more troops to Afghanistan in a futile attempt to win an unwinnable war. Little will be different in 2012, but Obama may be able to pull the troops out then just as Nixon pulled them out of Vietnam — through the pretense that Karzai's government will be able to sustain itself. Then it could be allowed to fall on its own, as the South Vietnamese government did, or make some accommodation with part of the Taliban. The inter-group fighting in Afghanistan could continue as it has done for most of the past 20 years.

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